You don’t know what art is, but you know what you like.

James Joyce

One concern levied against modern literature in the age of ebooks and democratized gatekeepers is that the classic works of the past could not come to be in the modern self-publishing world. Worry-worts have said that can be no modern James Joyce, no Dickens, Continue reading You don’t know what art is, but you know what you like.

Burning Brigid on Magick Radio Chicago

Magick Radio Chicago

For those of you who missed our radio appearance last weekend, the audio archive of the show is now up! Listen to the show here. We chatted with Summer and Drew about Sleep Study, our mission, TV and movies, and Continue reading Burning Brigid on Magick Radio Chicago

The Sleep Study Trailer is Here!

Sleep Study: We're Here for You.

You’ve been waiting for it, so here it is! A paranoid lab assistant becomes convinced that the sleep study institute that employs them is far more sinister than it first appears. Unwilling to risk exposure to potential retribution, the assistant Continue reading The Sleep Study Trailer is Here!

Catch us on the radio! Upcoming interviews and appearances…

Sleep Study... Rest in Peace

We may have been a little quiet, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy. We’re gearing up for a lot more activity in the next couple months as we lead into our fundraising campaign, and there will be multiple Continue reading Catch us on the radio! Upcoming interviews and appearances…

Logos and trailers and photos, oh my!

MicroSleep Institute

Great news! This afternoon we put the finishing touches on our trailer for Sleep Study, and the video for our upcoming Kickstarter campaign. We will be releasing the trailer by the end of the month — keep an eye out Continue reading Logos and trailers and photos, oh my!

Behind the Scenes: Sleep Study Promo Photos

Sleep Study

Yesterday we took our key cast members to the photography studio to get promotional photos for Sleep Study… stuff we’ll be using for social media banners, posters, and similar kinds of things to share and drum up excitement for the Continue reading Behind the Scenes: Sleep Study Promo Photos

Renee Zellweger: It’s (Still) All About Her Looks

Renee Zellweger - Getty Images

Apparently when an “It” girl of Hollywood transitions from ingenue to mid-life womanhood, she no longer looks like herself. According to the media, anyway. The worst part about this is that this all came out of Zellweger’s appearance at a Continue reading Renee Zellweger: It’s (Still) All About Her Looks

On Set: Filming our Kickstarter Video

Today we were on set with our fabulous cast and Director of Photography, getting footage for our Sleep Study teaser trailer and Kickstarter video. I am blown away by the great stuff we got, and can’t wait to share it Continue reading On Set: Filming our Kickstarter Video