Synesthesia Theatre Seasons

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Synesthesia Theatre is an anthology of serials. Each season tells a different story over six to twelve episodes. While we may revisit certain characters in future seasons, for the most part each stands well enough on its own.

Season 2, Cold Reboot Season 2: Cold Reboot [#014 to 024]

Marketing Executive Erica Crawford finds herself waking up in 2025 with no memory of the past ten years. Culturally and technologically out of time, She has to try and rebuild a life with no money, no work history, and no professional contacts… while evading sinister forces trying to end her life. The future is a cold place when you have no past.

Nine episodes; two cast commentary episodes.

Listen to the first episode

Iron Horses Can't Be BrokenSeason 1: Iron Horses Can’t Be Broken [#001 to 013]

Our inaugural anthology is a steampunk western. British detective Alton Bartleby scours the American west searching for Sarah, the sister he abandoned ten years prior, accompanied by the man she left at the altar. Nothing can prepare him for what he finds… or who she’s become.

Eleven episodes; with two cast commentary episodes.

Listen to the first episode